Top 20 Attractions in Turin

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Turin grew out of a small Roman colony. Since the 10th century, the city was ruled by the Dukes of Savoy, after the victory of the movement for the unification of Italy, it was the capital of the Italian kingdom for 4 years. During the reign of the Savoy dynasty, such architectural masterpieces as the Palazzo Reale, the Valentino Castle and the Villa della Regina appeared in Turin. In the XV-XVIII centuries. picturesque temples were erected, which still adorn the historical quarters of the city.

Turin has one of the best museums of Egyptian culture in the world, the shroud of Jesus Christ himself and a magnificent car collection with rare cars. Also in Turin, the famous Juventus team was born, whose victories in the championships never cease to please the fans.

What to see and where to go in Turin?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Castello Square

The architectural ensemble of Piazza Castello was formed by the end of the 16th century. The architect A. Vitozzi worked on her appearance. The square is surrounded by the buildings of the Royal Theatre, the castle of Palazzo Madama, the Royal Palace, the Armory, the government house and the library. From here, the four main streets of Turin diverge in different directions. Also on the square is the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (San Giovanni Battista).

Castello Square

Address: Piazza Castello, Turin, Italy

Opening hours: 09:00 - 20:00

Piazza San Carlo

One of the main squares of Turin. It originated in the 17th century after the city became the capital of Savoy. Due to the new status, there was a significant expansion of urban space. The final appearance of the area took shape by the middle of the 19th century, along with the installation of a monument to Duke Emmanuel Philibert, the ruler of Savoy. Piazza San Carlo was reconstructed in 2006 on the eve of the Olympic Games in Turin.

Piazza San Carlo

Address: Piazza San Carlo, Turin, Italy

Opening hours: 24/7

Mole Antonelliana

A tall tower that dominates the urban area. The structure is easily visible from anywhere in Turin. The tower was designed by the ambitious architect A. Antonelliano in the 19th century. The master received an order from the Jewish community for the construction of a synagogue, but he could not complete the grandiose project, as he died in the process of work. As a result, the Jews refused to continue to finance the work, and the city authorities bought the tower. In the 20th century, a cinema museum was located on its territory.

Mole Antonelliana

Address: Via Montebello, 20, Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 813 8560

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 09:00-20:00

Palazzo Reale

Royal Palace of the Savoyard Royal Family. The Palazzo was rebuilt from the old episcopal palace by order of Duke Emmanuel Philibert in the 17th century. The graceful royal residence is considered one of the most elegant creations in the Baroque style. The object is included in the UNESCO heritage list. In one of the wings of the palazzo there is an art gallery made up of paintings that once belonged to the Dukes of Savoy.

Palazzo Reale

Address: Piazza Castello, 10122 Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 436 1480

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 08:30-19:30

Palazzo Madama

The palace is located on Piazza Castello in the central part of Turin. It was erected in the 13th century on the site of Roman buildings. Over the long history of its existence, the palazzo has been used as a prison, a guest castle, the residence of widowed rulers, an art gallery and a meeting place for the Piedmontese parliament. The building has two different facades. The first is made in the style of a medieval castle, the second - in the Baroque style.

Palazzo Madama

Address: Piazza Castello, 10122 Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 436 1455

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 10:00-18:00

Palazzo Carignano

A palace complex of impressive size, which was built in the 17th century for the family of the princes of Carignano, the younger branch of the Savoy dynasty. It was here in 1820 that Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of a united Italy, was born. In the 19th century, the parliament met on the territory of the palace, now the building houses a museum. The Palazzo was built of red brick in the Baroque style, designed by G. Guarini.

Palazzo Carignano

Address: Piazza Carignano, Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 521 1788

Opening hours: Mon-Sat 09:00-19:00, Sun 09:00-14:00

Valentino Castle

A French-style castle that was used as one of the residences of the Dukes of Savoy. The structure was rebuilt in the 17th century at the behest of Christina of France. By the 19th century, the heavily dilapidated castle was taken over by the local university. After restoration work, the Turin Motor Show of 1900 was held on its territory. Currently, the Valentino Castle houses the Faculty of Architecture of the university.

Valentino Castle

Address: Via del Valentino, Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 670 5202

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 09:00-19:00

Villa della Regina

One of the numerous palaces of the Dukes of Savoy, built in the 16th century. The mansion was built for the brother of Victor Amadeus I - Maurice, but soon the widow of the ruler settled here, and the rebellious relative fled to Spain. The Dukes of Savoy owned Villa della Regina until the second half of the 19th century, when the building was sold. In the middle of the 20th century, real estate, together with the land, was transferred to the state.

Villa della Regina

Address: Via San Giovanni, 9, Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 812 1472

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 10:00-17:00

Basilica of Superga

The picturesque baroque church of the 18th century, built under Victor Amadeus II according to the project of F. Yuvarra. The ruler swore on the top of Superga Hill in 1706 that if he defeated the French, he would build a temple in honor of the Virgin Mary. The result of the fulfillment of this vow was the construction of the basilica, since the French were eventually defeated. Many representatives of the Savoy dynasty are buried on the territory of the temple.

Basilica of Superga

Address: Via Delle Cascine, 73, Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 813 5352

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 09:00-18:00

Cathedral of John the Baptist

Turin Cathedral of the 15th century, built on the site of a Roman amphitheater and three early Christian churches of the 6th-7th centuries. The temple is a famous place of pilgrimage. The cathedral complex includes the chapel of the Holy Shroud, where one of the most important Christian relics, the Shroud of Turin, is kept. It is believed that the body of Jesus was wrapped in this piece of cloth after he was taken down from the cross. The cathedral was built according to the project of B. di Francesco.

Cathedral of John the Baptist

Address: Piazza Duomo, 10122 Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 436 4111

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 07:00-18:00

Church of Santuario della Consolata

Temple of the middle of the 17th century, erected on the site of an earlier church according to the project of G. Guarini, one of the best masters of the Baroque era. The most valuable relic of the temple is the Madonna and Child icon, which dates back to the 4th-5th century and is considered miraculous. The Santuario della Consolata underwent several restorations in the 18th and 20th centuries. From the observation area on the roof of the temple offers a magnificent view of Turin.

Church of Santuario della Consolata

Address: Piazza Santuario, 10122 Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 447 8294

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 07:00-12:00, 16:00-19:00

Church of Gran Madre di Dio

The temple is located on the top of the Capuchin Hill. It is believed that it stands on the very spot where the Holy Grail is hidden. There are many superstitions and mystical legends associated with the church. The building was built in the period 1827-31. in honor of the return from exile of King Victor Emmanuel I of Sardinia. The portico of the main entrance is supported by classical Corinthian columns, in general, the building resembles the Roman Pantheon.

Church of Gran Madre di Dio

Address: Piazza Gran Madre, Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 813 2705

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 08:00-18:00

Church of San Lorenzo

Temple of the 17th century, designed by G. Gvarini and F. Yuvar. The baroque facade of the building in light yellow tones fits perfectly into the architectural ensemble of Piazza Castello. The exterior decoration of the church is distinguished by a large amount of stucco and decorative details. The building is crowned with an octagonal dome. The interior of the temple is decorated with valuable paintings, statues, sculptures and antique furniture.

Church of San Lorenzo

Address: Piazza San Lorenzo, Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 520 6789

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 07:00-12:00, 16:00-19:00

Palatine Gate

Antique gate, whose age dates back to the 1st century BC. In the era of the Roman Empire, they were a passage to the city from the north. The Palatine Gate is located on the territory of the archaeological park - an excavation area created in 2006. The statues of the emperors Octavian Augustus and Julius Caesar, installed in front of the gate, were created in 1934. They are copies of original sculptures that have not survived to this day.

Palatine Gate

Address: Piazza Palatina, Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 011 2400

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday: 9:00 - 18:00

Teatro Regio

The Turin Opera House, created in the 18th century according to the project of F. Juvarra. A few years after the start of work, the theater was closed by order of the king, and a warehouse was placed in the building. Under Napoleon Bonaparte, the opera stage began to perform its direct functions again. In the 20th century, the theater burned down twice, leaving only the façade of the original building. After reconstruction, the renovated opera house opened in 1973. Maria Callas sang at the premiere performance.

Teatro Regio

Address: Piazza Verdi, 10124 Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 528 6666

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 09:00-19:00

Egyptian Museum

The largest collection in Europe dedicated to the culture and history of the Egyptian civilization. In terms of diversity and richness of the exposition, the Egyptian Museum of Turin is second only to the museum of the same name in Cairo. The exposition began with the private collection of Charles Emmanuel III, who was an enthusiastic collector of ancient Egyptian artifacts. The museum funds contain valuable papyri, mummies, statues, decorations from the graves of pharaohs and much more.

Egyptian Museum

Address: Piazza San Giovanni, 10123 Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 561 7776

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 09:00-20:00

National Automobile Museum

The museum exhibits more than 200 cars from different European countries. There are Italian cars of the late 19th century, Ferrari cars, elegant Alfa Romeos, models of the Rolls-Royce concern, as well as cars participating in famous races of the early 20th century. The museum was founded in 1932 by the Italian aristocrat-collector C. B. di Ruffia. Its exposition is included in the TOP-50 of the best museums in the world.

National Automobile Museum

Address: Via Chiabrera, 74, Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 677 6633

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 10:00-19:00

Museum of Oriental Art

The museum exposition is dedicated to the art of China, South and Southeast Asia, Tibet, Japan and Islamic states. The time period that the collection covers is 3000 BC. -XVIII-XIX centuries The halls of the museum exhibit Chinese ceramics, Japanese wooden statues, rare manuscripts, sculptures, paintings, books, bronzes, Ottoman velvet and other valuable art and household items.

Museum of Oriental Art

Address: Via San Salvario, 25, Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 440 6904

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 10:00-18:00

Juventus Stadium

City football stadium, home arena of the famous Juventus team. The complex was opened in 2011, it was built to replace the old arena "Delle Alpi", which no longer met the needs of players and fans. Juventus is designed for 41 thousand spectators, during its construction all relevant requirements for safety and comfort were taken into account. Due to the special shape of the structure, the playing field is ideally illuminated.

Juventus Stadium

Address: Via Dell'Arena, 10, Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 453 2111

Opening hours: По мероприятиям

Cape Park

City park in the western part of Turin, covering an area of ​​about 83 hectares. The park was named after one of the teachers of the University of Turin - M. Carrara, who did not swear allegiance to Mussolini. The place is better known because of the unofficial name "cape" in honor of the cheese factory of the same name, which is located nearby. The park has several football fields, a swimming pool, rollerblading and tennis courts.

Cape Park

Address: Via Benvenuto, 22, Turin, Italy

Phone: +39 011 663 7576

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 10:00-19:00

FAQ – Answers to popular questions

When to go to Turin, Italy?

Turin, Italy, is a beautiful city to visit year-round, but the best times are:

  • Spring (March to May): Pleasant weather and blooming flowers.
  • Fall (September to November): Mild temperatures and fewer tourists.
  • Winter (December to February): Perfect for enjoying Christmas markets and nearby ski resorts, though it can be chilly.

What are the things to do in Turin, Italy when it rains?

When it rains in Turin, Italy, there are still plenty of enjoyable activities to pursue. Here are some recommended options:

  • Visit the Mole Antonelliana and explore the National Museum of Cinema.
  • Discover the Egyptian Museum, one of the most important in the world.
  • Enjoy the art at the Galleria Sabauda, featuring works from the Renaissance to the Baroque period.
  • Relax at a local café and savor authentic Italian pastries.
  • Explore the charming Palazzo Madama and its museum of ancient art.
  • Indulge in shopping at the covered markets like Mercato di Porta Palazzo.

What are the things to do in Turin, Italy with family?

Turin, Italy offers a variety of family-friendly activities. Here are some things to do:

  • Visit the Egyptian Museum to explore ancient artifacts.
  • Take a stroll in Parco del Valentino, featuring beautiful gardens and a castle.
  • Enjoy a day at the National Cinema Museum, located in the Mole Antonelliana.
  • Have fun at the Zoom Torino wildlife park.
  • Discover interactive exhibits at the Royal Palace of Turin.

What are the things to do in Turin, Italy in the evening?

Turin (Torino), Italy, offers a vibrant evening scene with a mix of cultural, culinary, and recreational activities. Here are some things to consider doing in the evening:

1. Dining Experience: Turin is known for its exquisite cuisine. Explore local trattorias and pizzerias for authentic dishes. Don't miss trying the famous “bagna cauda” or a rich risotto.

2. Aperitivo: Enjoy the Italian tradition of aperitivo, where you can relax with a drink and small bites before dinner. Popular spots include the San Salvario district, Piazza Vittorio Veneto, and various historical cafes.

3. Stroll along the Po River: Take a scenic walk along the banks of the Po River. The views of the city and its surrounding hills are beautiful in the evening light.

4. Visit Museums: Some museums, such as the Egyptian Museum and the Museum of Cinema, have evening hours. Check the schedule for late openings to enjoy exhibitions in a quieter setting.

5. Casts and Palaces: Explore the Royal Palace of Turin and its gardens. The Palazzo Madama also offers evening tours at times, showcasing its rich history and architecture.

6. Turin's Nightlife: Head