Top 20 Attractions in Rybinsk

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Rybinsk can be safely included in the list of Russian cities that are systematically developing their tourism industry. He has a great, but not yet fully realized potential. Now travelers come here mainly as part of short tours along the Volga. They are immediately met by the sculpture "Mother Volga", installed on the sandy spit of the Rybinsk reservoir.

The main feature of the city is architectural monuments. Starting from the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, built by the Polish community, ending with the colorful House of Artists - any of them can surprise and please lovers of unusual buildings. Do not forget about the sculptures depicting the history of Rybinsk. There was a place even for the brother of the founder of the Nobel Prize - Ludwig.

What to see and where to go in Rybinsk?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Rybinsk Museum-Reserve

It was founded in 1910 and occupies the building of the former Grain Exchange. The museum has impressive funds, which makes it the largest in the Upper Volga. The exposition is divided into 11 permanent exhibitions. All of them are connected with the history of the city, the main occupations of local residents and the art of the region. The museum complex partially includes the former Flour Gostiny Dvor, dated to the end of the 18th century.

Rybinsk Museum-Reserve

Address: Rybinsk Museum-Reserve, Rybinsk, Russia

Phone: +7 (4855) 24-25-09

Opening hours: 10:00-17:00

Red Square

It is located in the center of Rybinsk between Krestovaya street and Volzhskaya embankment. Founded in the 18th century. In the past - the territory of active trade. Gradually, benches and stalls gave way to flowerbeds and pedestrian areas. In 1934, a full-length monument to Lenin was erected on the square. He replaced the bust of the leader of the world proletariat. And before the revolution, this place was occupied by a monument in honor of Alexander II.

Red Square

Address: Red Square, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 21:00

Monument "Mother Volga"

Meets guests who arrive in the city by water. The monument was erected in 1953 on the spit of the Rybinsk reservoir. The height of the monument is 28 meters. It is well viewed due to its open location. According to rumors, this plot of land was prepared for the "Worker and Collective Farm Woman", but the monument by Vera Mukhina was sent to the capital.

Monument Mother Volga

Address: Monument Mother Volga, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 20:00

Transfiguration Cathedral

Erected on Cathedral Square in the first half of the 19th century. The current building of the temple replaced the wooden church - the same age as the city. Interior and exterior decoration - a mixture of styles. The iconostasis has four tiers and includes icons from the 15th century. Although the bell tower at the cathedral largely repeats its appearance, it was built half a century earlier. The relic is an armchair installed in the temple for Catherine II, who visited Rybinsk.

Transfiguration Cathedral

Address: Transfiguration Cathedral, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Rybinsk tower

The first tower was built in 1843, and the building of the police station became its basis. A fire destroyed the wooden structure in 1907. Five years later, a new reinforced concrete and brick structure was erected on the same site. There was no longer any special need for the tower at that time, so the object was almost never used for its intended purpose. But it quickly turned into a city landmark.

Rybinsk tower

Address: Rybinsk tower, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

House of Artists

It was built in the first years of the last century by order of the merchant Gordeev. The external appearance of the house stands out against the background of nearby buildings: carved architraves, a corner balcony, turrets on the roof. The house is recognized as a monument of wooden architecture, made in the Russian style. The building has been restored and bears several names, including the House of Artists. It did not become a museum, remaining residential for several families at once.

House of Artists

Address: House of Artists, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00

Museum of the Mologa region

It is based on the funds of the local history museum of Mologa, which was closed in 1936. Works since 1995. The exposition tells about the territories that were flooded during the construction of the Rybinsk reservoir. Funds are still being replenished. Some of the things are brought by local residents, some are by archaeologists exploring the area. Exhibits - noble furniture, household utensils, church items.

Museum of the Mologa region

Address: Museum of the Mologa region, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 10:00-18:00

Rybinsk Drama Theater

The existence of the theater has been known since 1777. However, at that time performances were available only to noble persons. The theater in the full sense of the word appeared in the city in 1825. Then the troupe consisted of serfs. Until 1880, the artists spent the winter in Yaroslavl, and the summer in Rybinsk. Now the theater's repertoire combines classical productions and experimental plays. Tours in Russia are also regular.

Rybinsk Drama Theater

Address: Rybinsk Drama Theater, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: Tue-Sun: 10:00-19:00, Mon: Closed

Rybinsk Puppet Theater

Its history begins in 1933, which makes the theater one of the oldest puppet theaters in the country. The hall is designed for 174 spectators. At the same time, the spacious room becomes cozy as soon as the curtain rises and the production begins. The repertoire is updated every season, taking into account the demand for performances. The troupe participates in festivals and organizes traveling programs both within the city and across Russia.

Rybinsk Puppet Theater

Address: Rybinsk Puppet Theater, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 10:00 - 19:00

Nikolskaya chapel

Since Alexander II managed to avoid death during the assassination attempt, it was decided to build a chapel in honor of this event. It was ready by 1967 and received the name of Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron saint of merchants and travelers. In Soviet times, the building stood without a dome, and it housed a police station. In 2010, the chapel was restored to its original appearance. Crosses covered with gold leaf were installed on the heads.

Nikolskaya chapel

Address: Nikolskaya chapel, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 07:00 - 19:00

Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The uprisings in Poland in the 30s of the XIX century led to the exile of rebels and sympathizers to different regions of Russia. The Polish community that settled in Rybinsk initiated the construction of a church, which was erected in 1910. For some time, a statue of Christ flaunted on the facade, after which the church was named. During the reconstruction, it was lost. Since 1979, the Prometheus student club has been operating in the temple building.

Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Address: Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Voznesensko-Georgievsky parish

The complex consists of two temples. The first is dedicated to George the Victorious. It has been known since the 16th century, although the current building is a later one - the end of the 18th century. The archive was located here in Soviet times. The second temple was erected in honor of the Ascension of the Lord. It was consecrated in 1808 and remained open even under Soviet rule. Thanks to this, the interior decoration, including murals and the iconostasis, have been preserved.

Voznesensko-Georgievsky parish

Address: Voznesensko-Georgievsky parish, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Kazan church

In the past, this place was a monastery. Initially, the church was small and had almost no decorations. The current view took shape at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries. With the advent of Soviet power, the temple was looted and the iconostasis was burned. Full-scale restoration began in the 90s of the last century. One of the most revered relics of the church is the icon of the Mother of God “It is worthy to eat”, written on Mount Athos.

Kazan church

Address: Kazan church, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 08:00 - 19:00

Monument to barge hauler

The only monument in the country dedicated to the people of this bygone profession. Appeared on Stoyalaya Street on the 200th anniversary of the founding of Rybinsk. Barge haulers used to gather at this place in the past. However, in 1996 it was decided to move the monument to the embankment, where it would look more harmonious with the river itself and the nearby river station. On the stone-pedestal there is a plate with the imprint of the monument.

Monument to barge hauler

Address: Monument to barge hauler, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 24/7

Monument to Lev Oshanin

Installed on Volzhskaya embankment in 2003. The author of the project is M. Nurmatov. The songwriter composed many texts familiar to everyone, including “The Volga flows” and “Oh, roads ...”. The figure of Oshanin is cast in full-length bronze. He holds a book in his hands and seems to be thinking about new lines, looking into the distance. The place around is a wonderful observation platform that allows you to appreciate the nature of the area.

Monument to Lev Oshanin

Address: Monument to Lev Oshanin, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 20:00

Monument to Ludwig Nobel

Opened in 2013. Sculptor - Ya. Borodin. Ludwig is an entrepreneur, engineer and philanthropist, as well as the elder brother of the founder of the Nobel Prize. In the past, a factory owned by the Nobels operated in Rybinsk, and there is also a museum in honor of the Swedish family and their heritage. The sculptural composition consists of a bust of Ludwig and two irregularly shaped plates depicting production facilities.

Monument to Ludwig Nobel

Address: Monument to Ludwig Nobel, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Train Station

Rebuilt in 1905. In many ways, the station complex repeats the features of its predecessor, the wooden project of Karl Rachau. Rybinsk even at that time was a major transport hub. This affected the wear and tear of the station, which in the recent past was closed for reconstruction. It is planned to update the facade and make the interior more modern. The building was given the status of an architectural monument of regional importance.

Train Station

Address: Train Station, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 06:00 - 22:00

Rybinskaya HPP and its locks

Included in the Volga-Kama cascade of hydroelectric power stations. Construction started in 1935 and completed 20 years later. The prisoners of the Gulag were involved in the work. The design feature is the placement of objects on two rivers 10 km apart. Navigation locks and a water-collecting dam are on the Volga, and the building of the hydroelectric power station is on the Sheksna River. The building and gateways have the status of an architectural monument.

Rybinskaya HPP and its locks

Address: Rybinskaya HPP and its locks, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 08:00 - 17:00

Rybinsk bridge

Transferred across the Volga. Construction was carried out from 1957 to 1963. There was a need for it before, but the implementation of the project was first hampered by bureaucratic delays, and then by the war. The length is about 720 meters, the width is 18 meters. Designed for both traffic and pedestrians. Two of the six spans were designed taking into account the possibility of ships passing through here.

Rybinsk bridge

Address: Rybinsk bridge, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 00:00 - 23:59

Volzhskaya embankment

It stretches in the central part of the city along the right bank of the river. It starts from the Strelka Peninsula and ends at the confluence of the Volga and Sheksna. The sidewalk is separated from the water by an openwork fence, there are benches and lanterns. On the embankment you can not only walk, enjoying nature, but also go sightseeing. For example, a monument to a plumber, the Transfiguration Cathedral, the building of the former Grain Exchange.

Volzhskaya embankment

Address: Volzhskaya embankment, Rybinsk, Russia

Opening hours: 06:00 - 22:00

FAQ – Answers to popular questions

When to go to Rybinsk, Russia?

Rybinsk, Russia, is best visited during the following times:

  • Summer (June to August) for pleasant weather and outdoor activities.
  • Late Spring (May) for blooming nature and fewer tourists.
  • Autumn (September to October) for beautiful fall foliage.
  • Winter (December to February) for winter sports and a snowy landscape.

What are the things to do in Rybinsk, Russia when it rains?

When it rains in Rybinsk, Russia, you can explore various indoor activities and attractions. Here are some things to do:

  • Visit the Rybinsk Museum of Local Lore to learn about the region's history and culture.
  • Explore the Rybinsk Art Museum which offers a rich collection of artworks.
  • Enjoy a relaxing time at a local café or restaurant, trying regional dishes.
  • Take a guided tour of the iconic Rybinsk hydroelectric station.
  • Shop for souvenirs at local markets and shops.

What are the things to do in Rybinsk, Russia with family?

If you're visiting Rybinsk, Russia with family, here are some activities you can enjoy together:

  • Visit the Rybinsk Reservoir for scenic views and picnics.
  • Explore the Rybinsk Museum of Local Lore to learn about the area's history.
  • Take a stroll in the beautiful parks, such as the Central Park of Culture and Recreation.
  • Enjoy a river cruise on the Volga River for a unique perspective of the city.
  • Discover the impressive architecture of the Assumption Cathedral.

What are the things to do in Rybinsk, Russia in the evening?

Rybinsk, a historic city in Russia, offers a variety of activities to enjoy in the evening. Here are some suggestions:

1. Stroll Along the Volga River Embankment: The scenic embankment provides a lovely atmosphere for an evening walk. You can enjoy the views of the river and the historic architecture nearby.

2. Visit Local Cafés and Restaurants: Rybinsk has several cafés and restaurants where you can try traditional Russian cuisine or enjoy a cozy ambiance with live music. Look for places that offer local dishes.

3. Explore Historical Sites: Many of Rybinsk's historical landmarks are beautifully illuminated at night. You can visit places like the Rybinsk Reservoir or the Assumption Cathedral, which offer stunning views.

4. Attend Cultural Events: Check local listings for concerts, theater performances, or other cultural events happening in the city. Venues like the Rybinsk Drama Theatre often have performances in the evenings.

5. Enjoy Nightlife: Some bars and clubs in Rybinsk offer nightlife experiences with music and dancing. These venues can provide a lively atmosphere to enjoy a night out.

6. Take a Boat Tour: If available, consider taking an evening boat tour on the Volga