Top 25 Attractions in Sochi

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Even in the most unfavorable times for our country, Sochi has always been a popular place. But the usual “good old” color of the South of Russia is almost gone there. For several years now, Sochi has been stubbornly moving into the list of modern European resorts in order to take its rightful place among them.

The city has been incredibly transformed since the end of the 2014 Winter Olympics. In the picturesque bays of the Black Sea coast, hotels of world chains appeared, rows of luxurious villas lined up along the well-groomed embankments, the best restaurants opened their doors to the discerning public.

Modern Greater Sochi harmoniously intertwines rotunda colonnades of the 19th century and technically perfect Formula 1 race tracks, old cypress alleys and breathtaking attractions of Sochi Park, nostalgia for the past and a confident path to the future.

What to see and where to go in Sochi?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Sochi Olympic Park

The territory where the Olympic facilities are located: the Fisht Stadium, the Iceberg Ice Palace, the Adler-Arena Center, the Olympic Village and others. During the Games in 2014, the coastal cluster of the Olympic Park was located here (the Mountain Cluster was organized in Krasnaya Polyana). Throughout the area of ​​the park you can walk and ride a bike. For a more detailed acquaintance with the objects, a guided tour is offered.

Sochi Olympic Park

Address: Sochi Olympic Park, Sochi, Russia

Phone: +7 862 246-15-15

Opening hours: 09:00 - 22:00

Sochi Arboretum

The park area, where hundreds of species of tropical plants are collected and rare birds live. Here you can admire the Mexican agave, Australian eucalyptus or Algerian cork oak. The arboretum has always been a popular place for walking; during the high season, it can be quite crowded inside due to the influx of tourists. The observation decks of the park offer a beautiful view of the mountains and the coast.

Sochi Arboretum

Address: Sochi Arboretum, Sochi, Russia

Phone: +7 928 412-12-97

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Park "Riviera

The resort park, founded at the end of the 19th century by V.A. Khludov. Pink alleys are considered a special pride of the Riviera. Entire "plantations" of different varieties of roses are planted on the territory. Each time, landscape designers come up with new forms and flower arrangements to delight park visitors. At all times, the Riviera has been a place of romantic dates and holiday flirting.

Park Riviera

Address: Park Riviera, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 21:00

Mount Akhun

Big Akhun is a small peak (just over 660 meters high) 3 km. from the Black Sea coast. A well-equipped hiking trail leads to it. On the surface of the mountain there is an observation deck - a tower built in the "Romanesque" manner. If we give a more precise definition, then Akhun is a whole mountain range, on the clones of which groves of relict trees grow, and the bowels are dotted with a system of caves.

Mount Akhun

Address: Mount Akhun, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Observation tower on Mount Akhun

Locals believe that the tower on top of Mount Akhun is the most romantic and beautiful place in the city. It was built in the first half of the 20th century. The height of the building is 30 meters. Tourists rush here for magnificent panoramic views, which are great for landscape photos. The city, the mountain ranges and the valley lie as if under the feet of the one who climbs the tower.

Observation tower on Mount Akhun

Address: Observation tower on Mount Akhun, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 19:00

Marine Station

Construction of the middle of the XX century. It is included in the list of monuments of federal significance. The central tower of the station is decorated with a 71-meter spire, along the edges there are sculptures symbolizing the four seasons. The maritime station is surrounded by a landscaped square with a fountain with a figure personifying the goddess of navigation. Numerous pleasure boats moor in the marina of the station.

Marine Station

Address: Marine Station, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 08:00 - 22:00

Sochi railway station

The building is located in the central part of Sochi, not far from city beaches and main hotels. The modern station building is a construction of the middle of the 20th century, although the railway station has existed on this site since 1918. The station tower is decorated with an original clock with a zodiac dial. Sochi Station is considered one of the most beautiful railway stations in Russia.

Sochi railway station

Address: Sochi railway station, Sochi, Russia

Phone: +7 (8622) 64-28-00

Opening hours: 24/7

Cathedral of Michael the Archangel

One of the oldest Orthodox churches on the Black Sea coast, the main Sochi Cathedral. It was erected in the second half of the 19th century after the end of the Caucasian War. The cathedral was named in honor of Tsarevich Mikhail - the son of Nicholas I and the emperor's viceroy in the Caucasus. Construction was delayed due to the outbreak of the Russian-Turkish war. As a result, the temple was consecrated only in 1891.

Cathedral of Michael the Archangel

Address: Cathedral of Michael the Archangel, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Winter theater

A monument of culture and the main theater stage of Greater Sochi. The building was built in 1937 according to the project of K. Chernopyatov. The architecture of the theater is dominated by a strict classical style without unnecessary pretentiousness and splendor. The opening of the stage took place in 1938, Rimsky-Korsakov's opera "The Tsar's Bride" was chosen as the premiere performance, where the actors of the Moscow troupe of the Theater im. K. Stanislavsky and V. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

Winter theater

Address: Winter theater, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 10:00 - 22:00

Sochi Art Museum

The gallery is located in the building of the 30s. XX century, which in itself has considerable cultural and historical value. The first showroom opened here in 1972. The permanent exhibition of the museum includes almost 5,000 works of art from different eras. Among the most valuable exhibits are paintings by Aivazovsky, Shishkin, Petrov-Vodkin. Also, the Sochi Art Museum annually hosts temporary exhibitions from St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Sochi Art Museum

Address: Sochi Art Museum, Sochi, Russia

Phone: +7 (862) 264-13-65

Opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00

Literary and Memorial Museum of N. A. Ostrovsky

The house where the great writer N. Ostrovsky lived (the mansion was granted to him by the Soviet government). Literally a few months after the death of the master, a museum was opened on the territory. Everyone could get to know the writer's family better, see photos, study manuscripts. A couple of decades later, another building appeared, which housed the Literary Museum.

Literary and Memorial Museum of N. A. Ostrovsky

Address: Literary and Memorial Museum of N. A. Ostrovsky, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00

House-Museum "Stalin's Dacha"

One of the residences of I.V. Stalin. It was believed that the "father of peoples" had a special love for his Sochi dacha, as he was very fond of the Black Sea coast. The cottage looks rather modest - there are no columns, fountains and sculptural groups. The interior is also quite simple, as Stalin had no weakness for luxury. But in spite of everything, the house-museum is very popular and there are always a lot of people who want to visit this place.

House-Museum Stalin

Address: House-Museum Stalin, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00

Sochi Oceanarium

The largest oceanarium of the coast. It includes 30 aquariums with marine and freshwater inhabitants. The oceanarium is located on the territory of the Riviera Park. It has 200 species of fish (more than 4,000 individuals). The aquarium hosts various shows featuring sharks and other large aquarium inhabitants. Diving training and certification services are also offered.

Sochi Oceanarium

Address: Sochi Oceanarium, Sochi, Russia

Phone: +7 862 264-13-75

Opening hours: 10:00 - 20:00

Singing fountains in Sochi

A complex of musical and light fountains on the territory of the Sochi Olympic Park. The grandiose evening shows that are held in the evenings attract many visitors to the city. Jets of water dance to the chords of classical and modern music. The complex consists of several dozen powerful water guns, as well as hundreds of light sources. All elements are controlled by a single computer.

Singing fountains in Sochi

Address: Singing fountains in Sochi, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 23:00


The composition, created in 1967 and personifying the life-giving properties of nature. The sculpture is made in the form of a girl hugging a mountain. Numerous healing hydrogen sulfide springs flow around it. Matsesta is also the name of a well-known balneological resort in Sochi, where, with the help of water and healing mud, they work to cure gynecological ailments and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


Address: Matsesta, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 08:00 - 20:00


Monuments of ancient civilizations scattered around the Greater Sochi. According to rough estimates, they were created in the III-II millennium BC. It is believed that stone structures were used for ritual and funerary purposes. In total, there are about 200 dolmens in the vicinity of Greater Sochi. Among them are Volkonsky dolmen, Kudepstinsky sacrificial stone, dolmens in the tract "Three Oaks".


Address: Dolmens, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 08:00 - 20:00

Navalishchenskoye gorge

The gorge is located on the slopes of Mount Akhun, the river Khosta flows along its bottom. This place is a popular natural attraction. The slopes of the gorge are covered with relict vegetation - yew and boxwood trees. In the gorge there is a small mountain lake, a cave, rocks of bizarre shapes. Along the gorge there is an extended excursion route with convenient viewing points.

Navalishchenskoye gorge

Address: Navalishchenskoye gorge, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 08:00 - 19:00

Vorontsov caves

Karst formations in the mountains of the Vorontsovsky Range. The caves were thoroughly explored in the middle of the 20th century. As a result of excavations, it turned out that primitive people lived here about 20 thousand years ago. Archaeologists have found tools for hunting, labor, shards, arrowheads. By the year 2000, a fairly safe excursion route was equipped in the caves, and it became possible to visit them.

Vorontsov caves

Address: Vorontsov caves, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Tea houses in Uch-Dere

In the area of ​​the city of Sochi there are tea plantations, which are considered the northernmost in the world. The notorious Krasnodarsky tea variety is grown here. In the tea houses on the plantations, you can try different types of drink and take part in the tea-making ceremony, which involves national musical instruments and a samovar. Local honey, jam, pancakes are served as appetizers.

Tea houses in Uch-Dere

Address: Tea houses in Uch-Dere, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 22:00

Trout farm in Adler

The farm has been operating since 1964 and is considered the largest in Russia. Several types of trout are bred here, as well as salmon and sterlet. Fish can be purchased both raw and smoked (cold and hot smoked). The territory is usually visited as part of an organized tour. The Adler trout farm also sells caviar for breeding to other fish farms.

Trout farm in Adler

Address: Trout farm in Adler, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Agur waterfalls

Waterfalls arising along the Agura River. These are small cascades and rapids, which almost completely dry up during a period of intense heat. The waterfalls are located at different heights, the maximum distance from which water jets flow is about 18 meters. The Upper Falls is considered the most full-flowing and powerful. It is surrounded by dense greenery, to the left of it is the entrance to the cave.

Agur waterfalls

Address: Agur waterfalls, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

33 waterfalls

A natural landmark located in the valley of the Shakhe River in the Dzhegosh gorge. The area is part of the Sochi National Park. The natural complex "33 waterfalls" combines several river rapids and small waterfalls (the height of the fall of the jets is from 1.5 to 10.5 meters). Tourists can see only a part of them, as a convenient tourist route is not equipped everywhere.

33 waterfalls

Address: 33 waterfalls, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 08:00 - 20:00

Yew-boxwood grove

Part of the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, where unique Colchis boxwood and berry yew grow. These species are several million years old. Some trees reach the age of 1500-2000 years, the average age of the trunk is 700-800 years. The grove is included in the lists of natural heritage of the planet. On its territory there are the remains of a fortress dating back to the 11th-12th centuries.

Yew-boxwood grove

Address: Yew-boxwood grove, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 20:00

Skypark AJ Hackett Sochi

Extreme park, located on the road to the mountains to Krasnaya Polyana. The central place in it is occupied by the main attraction - a jump from the longest suspension bridge in the world from a height of 207 meters (bungee jumping). This project was created in collaboration with a company from New Zealand. The ideological inspirer of the park was the enthusiastic jumper D. Fedin, who was carried away by similar attractions in other countries.

Skypark AJ Hackett Sochi

Address: Skypark AJ Hackett Sochi, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 21:00

Resort Rosa Khutor in Krasnaya Polyana

A ski resort completely renovated and rebuilt for the 2014 Olympics. It positions itself as the best international winter resort in Russia. At the service of snowboarders and skiers - 77 km. well-equipped trails. Hotels, villas, restaurants, apartments and shops - everything looks like a tourist is in the French Alps. The architects have thought of everything to the smallest detail, even built an impromptu city hall.

Resort Rosa Khutor in Krasnaya Polyana

Address: Resort Rosa Khutor in Krasnaya Polyana, Sochi, Russia

Opening hours: 24/7

FAQ – Answers to popular questions

When to go to Sochi, Russia?

Sochi, Russia is best visited during the following times:

  • Summer (June to September): Ideal for beach activities and warm weather.
  • Spring (April to May): Pleasant temperatures and blooming nature, great for outdoor activities.
  • Winter (December to February): Perfect for skiing in the nearby mountains.
  • Autumn (October to November): Mild weather, fewer tourists, and beautiful fall foliage.

What are the things to do in Sochi, Russia when it rains?

When it rains in Sochi, Russia, you can still enjoy various indoor activities. Here are some suggestions:

  • Visit the Sochi Discovery World Aquarium
  • Explore the Winter Theatre and catch a performance
  • Enjoy the Sochi Art Museum
  • Relax at a local spa or wellness center
  • Try indoor entertainment at Sochi Park or a bowling alley

What are the things to do in Sochi, Russia with family?

Sochi, Russia, offers a wide range of family-friendly activities. Here are some of the top things to do:

  • Visit Sochi Discovery World Aquarium
  • Explore the Sochi Arboretum
  • Spend a day at the beach
  • Take a ride on the Sky Park SkyBridge
  • Visit the Olympic Park
  • Enjoy the Sochi Park amusement rides

What are the things to do in Sochi, Russia in the evening?

Sochi offers a variety of activities and attractions to enjoy in the evening. Here are some options:

1. Promenade Walk: Stroll along the Sochi waterfront promenade, where you can enjoy beautiful sea views, street performances, and local vendors.

2. Dining: Explore Sochi's diverse dining scene, featuring everything from traditional Russian cuisine to international dishes. Look for restaurants with outdoor seating for a pleasant evening ambiance.

3. Nightclubs and Bars: Experience the nightlife at various clubs and bars. Some popular spots offer live music, dancing, and themed events.

4. Sochi Park: If you visit during the summer months, check if Sochi Park is open in the evenings for night-time entertainment, including rides and shows.

5. The Sochi Winter Theatre: Catch a performance at this historic theater, which hosts various shows, including ballets, concerts, and plays.

6. Cirque du Soleil: Check for seasonal performances or special events by Cirque du Soleil or other circus acts.

7. Aquapark: Some water parks might host evening events or have extended hours during the peak summer season.

8. Scenic Views: Visit the observation deck at the Cherepash