Top 24 Attractions in Ukraine

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Various directions of tourism are developed in Ukraine. Although it is not one of the most popular countries in Europe, there is something to see here. On the territory of Ukraine there are mountains, lakes, rivers, steppes and amazing cities.

Ski tourism is developing rapidly. The most popular resorts are Dragobrat, Slavske, Yaremche and Bukovel, which is known throughout Europe. The trails are varied, suitable for both beginners and professionals. Skiing in the Carpathians is not just a sport, it is an enjoyment of the beauty of nature.

Transcarpathia is famous for its medical resorts. There are mineral springs on which many hotels and sanatoriums have been created. Medicinal waters attract tourists from abroad. Ukraine is famous for its traditional cuisine. You can try it everywhere. It is very satisfying and nutritious, surprises with its variety. Lviv is known as the chocolate capital of the country. In addition, this is the most colorful place. It can be called a paradise for tourists. You can walk around the city forever.

The country has many ancient fortresses and castles. In Ukraine, you can see many luxurious churches and monasteries. A rich historical past is fraught not only with monuments, parks and museums, but also with entire islands. An example of this is the island of Khortitsa. Ukraine is rich in opportunities. It provides many types of entertainment, but it can be enjoyed simply because of its amazing old towns and wonderful culture.

What to see in Ukraine?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

This is the oldest Orthodox monastery in Rus'. It was founded in 1051 by the monk Anthony, who settled in a cave between the hills. The high Lavra bell tower is the highest point in Kyiv. Its height is 96.5 meters. There are several museums on the territory of the Lavra. Its interior is extremely rich and beautifully decorated. The appearance is also very beautiful. Lavra dungeons are very popular with tourists.

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

Address: Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00

Look → 30 popular attractions in Kyiv

Ukrainian Carpathians

It is part of the mountain system of the Eastern Carpathians. The prevailing heights of the Carpathians are 800-1200 meters. The highest mountain is Hoverla. Its height is 2061 meters. Snow lies in the mountains for five months of the year. The slopes of the Carpathians are covered with pine trees, rocks and rivers that form a magical landscape. The Ukrainian Carpathians are shrouded in legends and have retained their mysterious appearance. There is a very rich flora and fauna, many mineral springs.

Ukrainian Carpathians

Address: Ukrainian Carpathians, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Sofiyivka Park

This amazing arboretum is located in the northern part of the city of Uman. Its area is 180 hectares. About half a million tourists visit the park every year. The park was founded in 1796 by Stanislav Potocki in honor of his wife. More than 2000 bushes and trees grow here, lakes, waterfalls, grottoes and statues are created. This is a wonderful man-made miracle for unity with nature. A small planet was even named after the park.

Sofiyivka Park

Address: Sofiyivka Park, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 09:00 - 19:00

Old city of Lviv

Lviv is called the cultural center of Ukraine. Nowhere else is there that color and that atmosphere, as in its Strom city. Architectural masterpieces, cozy streets and Gothic churches are at every step. Rynok Square in the center of the Old Town. Around it are colorful houses with cafes, museums, restaurants in the Ukrainian theme. In the center is the town hall, which you can climb, it offers a beautiful view.

Old city of Lviv

Address: Old city of Lviv, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 24/7

Lake Synevyr

This is the most beautiful and largest lake in Ukraine. It is located in the Carpathians at an altitude of 989 meters above sea level. Fir trees surround it on all sides. There is a small island in the center of the lake, so it resembles an eye in shape. Because of this, it received another name - Sea Eye. The average depth of the lake is 10-12 meters. It has crayfish and trout. There are several viewing platforms on the lake.

Lake Synevyr

Address: Lake Synevyr, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Khotyn fortress

This is a fortress of the X-XVIII centuries. It is located in the city of Khotyn in the Chernivtsi region. During its existence, it was part of a dozen different states and saw many battles. It stands on the Dnieper, its walls are 40 meters high and 5 meters wide. The fortress has 5 gates, four towers, the commandant's palace, barracks, a church, an old well. Several popular films were filmed on its territory.

Khotyn fortress

Address: Khotyn fortress, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Tunnel of love

A place of Ukrainian romance, a natural phenomenon. It is located on the railway track in the Rivne region. Here trees and bushes are overgrown in the form of an arch and stretch along the track for 4 km. Loving couples come here every year. They go through the tunnel, make wishes, plant flowers. A train passes here three times a day. The Japanese director made a film about this "Klevan: Tunnel of Love".

Tunnel of love

Address: Tunnel of love, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 24/7

Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv

The history of the temple complex dates back to the 11th century. In 1040, the three-year construction of the temple in the Byzantine style was completed. Sophia Cathedral was and remains an important cultural and religious center. The first library of Yaroslav the Wise, a school, a bell tower, the Metropolitan's house, and the Zaborovsky Gate were founded on its territory. The cathedral has preserved 260 km² of original mosaics and 3,000 km² of frescoes.

Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv

Address: Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 10:00 - 17:00

Khortytsya Island

This is an island on the Dnieper, which has become a national reserve and absorbed the history of the Ukrainian people. Its area is 3000 hectares. The island is very picturesque, surrounded by a river, rocks, dotted with flowers and covered with forest. Khortytsya is directly connected with the Ukrainian Cossacks. There are many defensive wooden fortified buildings on the island. This is one of the best places to get acquainted with the history of Ukraine.

Khortytsya Island

Address: Khortytsya Island, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Mariinsky park

The park was founded in 1874. It is located in Kyiv opposite the Supreme Council of Ukraine. The area of ​​the park is 8.9 hectares. It was created in the English style, and then supplemented. More than 80 species of trees grow on its territory. The park has a bridge of lovers, monuments, fountains and an observation deck. It offers a stunning view of the Dnieper. Also in the park there is a monument to blossoming chestnuts - the symbol of the city of Kyiv.

Mariinsky park

Address: Mariinsky park, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 06:00 - 22:00

Mukachevo castle

A castle in the Transcarpathian region, the first mention of which dates back to the 11th century. It is located on a mountain 68 meters high. The area of ​​the castle is 13,930 m². The castle is divided into three parts: Lower Castle, Middle and Upper. It has several museums. Very beautiful surroundings of the castle. During its existence, it has changed several owners; within its walls, Ukrainians fought for their independence.

Mukachevo castle

Address: Mukachevo castle, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00

Khreshchatyk street

This is the main street not only of the capital, but of the whole Ukraine. Its length is 1.3 km. It began to be built in the 19th century. The width of the street is 75 meters. On both sides of it are three - four-storey beautiful buildings. Among them are banks, cafes, restaurants, museums. During World War II, Khreshchatyk was completely destroyed. It had to be restored. On weekends and holidays, Khreshchatyk becomes pedestrian.

Khreshchatyk street

Address: Khreshchatyk street, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 09:00 - 21:00

Babi Yar

This is a tract in the north-west of Kyiv with a tragic and cruel history. It was in this place that 100-150 thousand people, mostly Jews, were shot during the Second World War. In total, only 29 people escaped execution. People were ordered to come to the place of execution with documents, valuables, and clothes. Then it was taken from them and killed. Monuments have been erected to the victims.

Babi Yar

Address: Babi Yar, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00

Pochaev Lavra

This is an Orthodox monastery in the Ternopil region. The second largest monastery after the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra in Ukraine. It was founded around the 13th century. On the territory of the monastery are the Assumption and Trinity Cathedrals, known for their beauty. There are also cells, a belfry, Bishop's house. More and more tourists come here every year. They say that here you can solve complex problems and renew vitality.

Pochaev Lavra

Address: Pochaev Lavra, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00

Kamyanets-Podilsky fortress

This is a medieval castle founded at the end of the 14th century in the city of Kamenetz-Podolsk. It is part of a nature reserve with an area of ​​121 hectares. Its main part is the Old City. It is located on an island formed by the Smotrych canyon. There are Russian Gates, Castle Bridge, defensive towers, barracks. Zhemchuzhina - Old Fortress. There are 135 buildings in the city, it is the third most visited city in Ukraine.

Kamyanets-Podilsky fortress

Address: Kamyanets-Podilsky fortress, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Castle Radomysl

This is a whole museum complex in the Zhytomyr region. It was created very recently. A hundred-year-old mill was taken as the foundation. The complex has the only museum of domestic icons in Europe. The castle has a paper production line using ancient technology, a concert and ceremonial hall. This is a wonderful reconstruction of Ukrainian life, where there are many interesting exhibits and performances.

Castle Radomysl

Address: Castle Radomysl, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Dniester Canyon

One of the largest canyons in Europe, formed by the Dniester on the border of four regions. Its length is 250 km. The nature on its banks is incredibly rich, so the views of the canyon are excellent. On the territory of the canyon there are more than 100 different attractions. This is one of the seven natural wonders of Ukraine. The easiest way to admire the canyon is from the Chernivtsi region.

Dniester Canyon

Address: Dniester Canyon, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Lutsk castle

This is one of the oldest, largest and well-preserved castles in Ukraine. The castle is the oldest building in Lutsk. It was founded in the XIV century. There are two pulpits on the territory of the castle. It will be surrounded by three three-tiered towers and has several arches. The castle includes 5 museums. It is also the burial place of Prince Lubart and other Volyn princes. Every year the castle hosts festivals.

Lutsk castle

Address: Lutsk castle, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

stone grave

This is a small sandstone massif located in the Zaporozhye region. Its height is 12 meters, it is made of stone blocks. Dimensions - 240 by 160 meters. It served as a sanctuary for ancient people. In total, there are 87 grottoes and caves in the grave, of which 65 have survived. Thousands of petroglyphs were found in it. Some of the drawings were created in the XXIV-XXII centuries BC.

Stone grave

Address: Stone grave, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 24/7

House of State Industry

This is the first reinforced concrete building in Ukraine, built during the Soviet era and designed to demonstrate the power and strength of the state. When choosing architects, a competition was announced, the construction was carefully controlled, and was completed 4 years after the start. Today, the building is being reconstructed, and various departments and institutions are located on its territory.

House of State Industry

Address: House of State Industry, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 08:00 - 17:00

Svyatogorsk Lavra

This is an Orthodox shrine in the Donetsk region. The mountain on which the Lavra is located was considered holy. The first mention of it dates back to 1526. 17 monks from the Lavra monastery were glorified as saints. There are dozens of churches on the territory of the Lavra. The history of the monastery began when the first monks dug out caves and cells. Now these are popular attractions.

Svyatogorsk Lavra

Address: Svyatogorsk Lavra, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 08:00 - 20:00

Olesko castle

This is the birthplace of the king of the Commonwealth - Jan II Sobieski. Olesko Castle is one of the oldest buildings in Galicia. The first mention of it dates back to 1390. The castle rises on a 50-meter hill and is one of the most beautiful in Ukraine. On the slopes of the hill there is an Italian park with sculptures, and in the premises of the castle there is an art gallery and museums.

Olesko castle

Address: Olesko castle, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Pysanka Museum

In the Ivano-Frankivsk region in the city of Kolomiya, the largest Easter egg in the world is located. This is a 13-meter building, inside which is a museum of those same Easter eggs. The surface of the building is covered with a stained-glass window. Its area is 600 m². The collection of the museum has a wide variety of eggs. Among them are those that were painted by famous people, such as an Easter egg from Leonid Kuchma and Viktor Yushchenko.

Pysanka Museum

Address: Pysanka Museum, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00

Reserve Askania-Nova

The reserve is located in the Kherson region. Askania-Nova was founded in 1828 by a duke. Its area is 33 thousand hectares. A part of the steppe zone of the reserve has never been touched by a plow. This is the only such territory in Europe. More than 500 species of plants grow in the reserve and more than 3,000 species of animals live. Every year, 140 thousand tourists come to see the virgin beauty of nature.

Reserve Askania-Nova

Address: Reserve Askania-Nova, Ukraine, Ukraine

Opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00

FAQ – Answers to popular questions

When to go to Ukraine?

When planning a visit to Ukraine, consider the following factors:

  • Spring (April to June): Mild weather and blooming nature make it an ideal time.
  • Summer (July to August): Warm temperatures for festivals and outdoor activities.
  • Autumn (September to November): Beautiful fall foliage and fewer tourists.
  • Winter (December to February): Experience winter sports and Christmas markets, but be prepared for cold weather.

What are the things to do in Ukraine when it rains?

When it rains in Ukraine, there are still plenty of enjoyable activities to explore. Here are some options:

  • Visit museums such as the National Art Museum of Ukraine
  • Explore historical sites like the Chernobyl Museum
  • Enjoy local cuisine at cozy restaurants and cafés
  • Take a guided tour of the underground tunnels in Kyiv
  • Shop at indoor markets and boutiques

What are the things to do in Ukraine with family?

Ukraine offers a variety of family-friendly activities that everyone can enjoy. Here are some popular things to do:

  • Visit historical sites like Kyiv's Pechersk Lavra and Lviv's Old Town.
  • Explore the beautiful Carpathian Mountains for hiking and nature activities.
  • Enjoy a day at the beaches of Odesa along the Black Sea.
  • Discover the interactive exhibits at the Science Museum in Kyiv.
  • Take a guided tour of Chernobyl for a unique educational experience.
  • Relax in the numerous parks and gardens, such as Shevchenko Park in Kyiv.

What are the things to do in Ukraine in the evening?

Ukraine offers a vibrant nightlife and a variety of evening activities across its major cities. Here are some popular things to do in Ukraine in the evening:

1. Explore Kyiv's Nightlife - Clubs and Bars: Kyiv has a lively club scene with venues like Skybar, Closer, and Stereo Plaza. Many bars offer unique atmospheres, from fancy rooftop bars to cozy pubs. - Live Music: Check out local venues for live music performances, ranging from jazz and rock to traditional Ukrainian music.

2. Dine Out - Restaurants: Enjoy delicious Ukrainian cuisine at local restaurants. Try traditional dishes like borscht, varenyky (dumplings), and holodets (meat jelly). - Street Food: Visit local markets or street vendors for quick bites of popular street food like kyivska perepichka (a deep-fried sausage in bread).

3. Cultural Experiences - Theater and Opera: Attend a performance at the National Opera of Ukraine or visit a local theater for plays or ballet. - Art Galleries: Explore contemporary art exhibitions or galleries during evening openings.

4. Stroll Through Historic