Top 20 Attractions in Cordoba

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Cordoba is the pearl of Andalusia, an ancient city in which three cultures harmoniously coexisted for centuries: Christian, Jewish and Muslim. Founded before the arrival of the ancient Romans, Cordoba reached its peak in the Early Middle Ages under powerful Moorish rulers. Conquered from the Arabs by Christians, it gradually turned from the brilliant capital of the caliphate into a provincial, but not without charm, city.

Today, Cordoba is a picturesque city literally immersed in the aroma of spring flowers. Every year there is a competition for the most beautiful patio. Tablao taverns hide among the narrow streets of the Jewish quarter, where dancers perform an incendiary flamenco dance in the evenings and guests are treated to hearty Andalusian dishes.

What to see and where to go in Cordoba?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.


Mezquita is one of the iconic sights of Andalusia, the former main mosque of the great Caliphate of Cordoba, which has turned into a Catholic cathedral since the 13th century. The grandiose building in the style of traditional Moorish architecture was built in the 8th century under Emir Abdar Rahman I. The best masters of the Islamic world were invited to work, who eventually created a masterpiece that survived the centuries.


Address: Calle Cardenal Herrero, Córdoba, Spain

Phone: +34 957 470 512

Opening hours: 08:30 - 19:00

Alcazar of Christian Kings

Medieval fortress located in the historic center of Cordoba. During the Reconquista, it served as the main residence of the Catholic kings - Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile. The Alcazar was erected on the site of an ancient Visigoth fortification destroyed by the Moors during the conquest of Spain. Subsequently, the rulers of the Cordoba Caliphate rebuilt the fortress and began to use it as a royal palace.

Alcazar of Christian Kings

Address: Plaza Campo Santo de los Mártires, Córdoba, Spain

Phone: +34 957 200 522

Opening hours: 08:30 - 20:45

Jewish Quarter

The Jewish Quarter in Cordoba was built during the Arab rule. Until the end of the 15th century, Jews lived on its territory, until Isabella of Castile ordered to expel them from the city. The narrow streets of "Juderia" (as the quarter is called in the Spanish manner) still retained the spirit of the medieval Mauritanian Córdoba. The appearance of the area has not changed for many centuries.

Jewish Quarter

Address: Calle Judíos, Córdoba, Spain

Phone: +34 957 201 774

Opening hours: 24/7


The Jewish temple was built at the beginning of the XIV century, when favorable times came for the Jews in Cordoba. The synagogue was built in the Mudéjar style, harmoniously combining elements of Moorish and Gothic style. After the expulsion of the Jews, the building housed a hospital, then a chapel and a school. Since the beginning of the 19th century, the temple has been recognized as a valuable architectural monument. Today, there is a museum on its territory.


Address: Calle Judíos, 20, Córdoba, Spain

Phone: +34 957 202 928

Opening hours: 09:00 - 15:30

roman bridge

Stone arched bridge across the Guadalquivir River, 250 meters long, consisting of 16 arches. It was built in the 1st century BC and was part of the August road. In the 10th century, the Arabs restored the bridge. The construction was maintained in working condition throughout the Middle Ages and the New Age. Moreover, until the middle of the 20th century, this bridge was the only crossing over the river. Only since 2004 it has become pedestrian.

Roman bridge

Address: Puente Romano, Córdoba, Spain

Phone: +34 957 201 774

Opening hours: 24/7

Tower of Calahorra

12th-century defensive structure erected under the Almohads on the banks of the Guadalquivir. The architecture of the building is an example of the late Islamic style. During the liberation of Cordoba from the Moors, the tower was damaged, but in the XIV century it was restored. Since the 1930s, it has been included in the list of protected cultural objects. Today, the Museum of Three Cultures is located on its territory.

Tower of Calahorra

Address: Calle Pucheta de la Calahorra, Córdoba, Spain

Phone: +34 957 290 642

Opening hours: 10:00 - 19:00

Puerta del Puente

The gate is located in front of the entrance to the Roman bridge. In the Middle Ages, they were part of the fortress wall and performed a defensive function. On the other hand, the construction of Puerta del Puente was supposed to expand the entrance to the city and increase the flow of merchants, which had a positive effect on the city's economy. The gate was built in the Renaissance style according to the design of F. de Montalbanu.

Puerta del Puente

Address: Plaza del Triunfo, Córdoba, Spain

Phone: +34 957 201 774

Opening hours: 24/7

Roman temple

The remains of an ancient Roman sanctuary are located right in the middle of a busy city block at the intersection of streets. They were discovered in the 1950s during construction work. Obviously, in the ancient period of the history of Cordoba, the temple was the main city sanctuary. The building was erected in the 1st century. It is believed that it was used for the worship of the Roman emperors.

Roman temple

Address: Calle Claudio Marcelo, Córdoba, Spain

Phone: +34 957 201 774

Opening hours: 24/7

Madina al-Zahra

A Moorish city built in the 10th century under Caliph Abd ar-Rahman III, about 8 km from Cordoba. Translated from Arabic, the name means "shining city". The ruler built Madina al-Zahra in order to demonstrate his own power and superiority over other caliphs, as required by the etiquette of that time. Only ruins have survived to our time, but even they give an idea of ​​how beautiful the city was.

Madina al-Zahra

Address: Camino de Almodóvar de Medina Azahara, Córdoba, Spain

Phone: +34 957 104 933

Opening hours: 09:00 - 20:00

Merced Palace

A magnificent building in the Spanish Baroque style that adorns the Plaza de Colon. The building acquired its present appearance in the 18th century as a result of reconstruction. Earlier on the site of the palace there was an early Christian basilica of St. Eulalia and a monastery. Nowadays, the residence of the city and province governments is located on the territory of the palace.

Merced Palace

Address: Plaza de Colón, Córdoba, Spain

Phone: +34 957 491 000

Opening hours: 09:00 - 15:00

royal stables

In the 16th century, the stables were built to breed a special breed of horses - the Andalusian. The result of careful crossbreeding is one of the most beautiful horses in the world. Today, the historic building houses an equestrian association, which includes a school, a small museum of carriages and a theater for tourists, where you can see interesting shows and performances with the participation of horses.

Royal stables

Address: Calle Caballerizas Reales, Córdoba, Spain

Phone: +34 957 290 648

Opening hours: 09:00 - 15:00

Viana Palace Museum

The museum was built on the ruins of a Roman villa in the 14th century. The main facade was built later - in the 16th century (architect J. de Ochoa worked on the project). Until the middle of the 20th century, a private palace was located here, which passed from owner to owner over the centuries. The last owner of the building was the Cajasur bank. By decision of his administration, a museum was founded in the palace, where art collections were placed.

Viana Palace Museum

Address: Plaza de Don Gome, 2, Córdoba, Spain

Phone: +34 957 496 741

Opening hours: 10:00 - 19:00

Museo Julio Romero de Torres

Julio Romero de Torres is a Cordoba painter of the 19th-20th centuries who worked in the style of realism. The museum named after him is located in the former hospital building, which stands out from the general urban landscape with intricately painted walls. The Museum of Fine Arts is also located here. The exposition consists of the artist's works, as well as paintings by the masters of bourgeois realism of the early 20th century.

Museo Julio Romero de Torres

Address: Plaza del Potro, 1, Córdoba, Spain

Phone: +34 957 491 909

Opening hours: 08:30 - 14:30

Bullfighting Museum in Cordoba

Andalusia is considered the birthplace of bullfighting. It is here, according to many Spaniards, that the last bullfight will take place, when animal protection organizations finally send this beautiful, but rather cruel tradition into the past. In the Cordoba Museum you can learn about the history of the competition, its rules, as well as the famous matadors. The ceremonial clothes and weapons of the bullfighters are also available for inspection.

Bullfighting Museum in Cordoba

Address: Plaza del Potro, 1, Córdoba, Spain

Phone: +34 957 491 909

Opening hours: 08:30 - 14:30

Archaeological Museum of Cordoba

The museum exposition is located on the territory of the palace, which once belonged to one of the noble families of the city. The building was built in the 16th century according to the design of E. Ruiz. The collection is based on ancient artifacts confiscated from monasteries in the middle of the 19th century. Here you can admire exhibits relating to the Roman, Visigothic and Iberian eras. The museum has a library where literature on archeology is stored.

Archaeological Museum of Cordoba

Address: Plaza de Jerónimo Páez, 7, Córdoba, Spain

Phone: +34 957 355 517

Opening hours: 09:00 - 15:00

Plaza del Potro

The name of the square comes from a small fountain crowned with the figure of a colt (“potro” in Spanish means “foal”). Here is the hotel of the same name, mentioned in the immortal work of Miguel Cervantes. Plaza del Potro is a classic Andalusian square: small, cozy and quiet, surrounded by the facades of old houses. Here you can relax, think about the beautiful, or just enjoy the atmosphere of Cordoba.

Plaza del Potro

Address: Plaza del Potro, Córdoba, Spain

Opening hours: 24/7

Tendillas Square

One of the central squares of Cordoba, located at the intersection of two main shopping streets of the city. In the middle is a monument to Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba, the famous commander who made a significant contribution to the treasury of Spain's military victories in the 15th-16th centuries. Tendillas Square celebrates the New Year and other public holidays, and regional fairs often come here.

Tendillas Square

Address: Plaza de las Tendillas, Córdoba, Spain

Opening hours: 24/7

Correder Square

The architectural appearance of Corredera Square is quite atypical for Cordoba and Andalusia as a whole. The place resembles the famous Plaza Mayor in Madrid, as it was built in the "royal" Castilian style. Like the main square of the Spanish capital, Corredera has the shape of a rectangle, along the edges of which are perfectly smooth facades of houses. Its appearance has remained unchanged since the 17th century.

Correder Square

Address: Plaza de la Corredera, Córdoba, Spain

Opening hours: 24/7

El Cristo de los Faroles

A small square, previously located on the territory of the Capuchin monastery. Through it passed the path from one residential quarter to another. At the end of the 18th century, a monument in the form of a crucifix by the sculptor H. Navarro-Leon was erected here. The figure of Christ is surrounded by lanterns, which is why the statue was called El Cristo de los Faroles (“farol” in Spanish means “lantern / lighthouse”).

El Cristo de los Faroles

Address: Plaza de Capuchinos, Córdoba, Spain

Opening hours: 24/7

flower street

One of the most beautiful streets in the city and a symbol of Cordoba. White facades of houses, balconies, patios and windows are decorated with pots of bright flowers. The street looks especially picturesque in spring, when the plants begin to bloom and the walls are covered with a bright carpet of roses, hydrangeas and geraniums. At this time, a competition is held for the most beautiful courtyard. Residents open their patios to the public so tourists can appreciate the beauty of the setting.

Flower street

Address: Calle de las Flores, Córdoba, Spain

Opening hours: 24/7

FAQ – Answers to popular questions

When to go to Cordoba, Spain?

The best times to visit Cordoba, Spain, are during the spring and fall seasons. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Spring (March to May): Ideal weather with blooming gardens and vibrant festivals.
  • Fall (September to November): Mild temperatures and fewer tourists, making it perfect for exploration.
  • Summer (June to August): Very hot; consider early mornings or evenings for outdoor activities.
  • Winter (December to February): Cooler temperatures, but still a charming time to visit with fewer crowds.

What are the things to do in Cordoba, Spain when it rains?

When it rains in Cordoba, Spain, there are still plenty of activities to enjoy. Here are some suggestions:

  • Visit the Mezquita-Catedral to admire its stunning architecture.
  • Explore the Palacio de Viana and its beautiful courtyards.
  • Discover the history of Cordoba at the Archaeological Museum.
  • Enjoy traditional Andalusian cuisine at a local restaurant.
  • Take a stroll through the Jewish Quarter and visit the ancient synagogues.

What are the things to do in Cordoba, Spain with family?

Cordoba, Spain, offers a variety of family-friendly activities that everyone can enjoy. Here are some recommended things to do:

  • Visit the stunning Mezquita-Catedral, a unique blend of Islamic and Christian architecture.
  • Explore the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos, with beautiful gardens and historical significance.
  • Stroll through the Judería, the old Jewish quarter, with its charming narrow streets.
  • Enjoy a family picnic at the Parque de la Asunción, a lovely green space.
  • Take a guided tour of the Roman Bridge and learn about its history.

What are the things to do in Cordoba, Spain in the evening?

Córdoba, Spain, is a charming city with a rich history and a vibrant evening atmosphere. Here are some activities you can enjoy in the evening:

1. Visit the Mezquita-Catedral: Although it may close before evening, the illuminated façade of this magnificent mosque-cathedral is a sight to behold. You can stroll around the surrounding areas and appreciate its beauty from the outside.

2. Explore the Judería: Wander through the historic Jewish quarter with its narrow, winding streets, whitewashed houses, and beautiful patios adorned with flowers. The ambiance in the evening is particularly lovely.

3. Enjoy Tapas: Córdoba is known for its culinary scene. Visit local taverns and bars to sample traditional tapas. Don’t miss trying salmorejo, flamenquín, and various local cheeses.

4. Flamenco Shows: Experience authentic Andalusian culture by attending a flamenco show. There are several venues in Córdoba where you can enjoy this passionate dance and music.

5. Stroll Along the Guadalquivir River: The riverside promenade is a great place for a leisurely walk. You can enjoy beautiful views of the city’s historical sites, especially the Roman Bridge and the Calahorra Tower.

6. Visit